Woodchurch House Care Suites

Newsletter March/April 2014

Welcome to our March /April Newsletter. For those of you who haven’t met me before I have been at Woodchurch since October 2013. I trained as a nurse at Christchurch University in Canterbury and then worked at the QEQM before taking up a post in the community. I worked my way up to Director of Care Services and, after a number of years, took a year out to work with disadvantaged children and teens before coming to Woodchurch. I have a real passion for people of all ages and a true desire and drive to help people live the best and most fulfilled lives they can, whatever their health, age, position or status.

New Staff Changes Aim to Boost Quality of Care

As part of our mission to offer the very best in care, we have recently created posts for five new duty mangers who have all been recruited from within our own staff. This move is part of our on-going review of staff roles and responsibilities, and will relieve nurses of staff management duties so they can really focus on nursing priorities.

We are delighted to have appointed Edward Musett to our newly created post of Clinical Manager, who will be leading on all matters clinical to deliver highest quality nursing. Edward has spent the last four years working as a staff nurse in intensive care in a NHS hospital. As well as overseeing resident case reviews, he will advise the duty managers on clinical issues and provide one-to-one training as necessary.

Down Memory Lane

Singing along to Vera Lynn on the ‘gramophone’ and staff dressed up in 1940s clothes and forces’ uniforms helped evoke wartime memories and reminiscences amongst residents and their families at our recent event.

woodchurch 40s

Coming soon – the Graham Care Awards

We are currently developing our own awards scheme to recognise the achievements of staff working in all our departments. We are planning to gather testimonials from residents, their relatives and friends as well as care professionals, and aiming to have a celebration event towards the end of the year. Look out for updates on our website and forthcoming newsletters.

Keeping in touch with Resilink

With our RESILINK service relatives and friends of our residents can view online care plans as well as daily reports written by our care staff. Please note that the log- in details have been changed as we have moved to a new website but if you have problems accessing the service please email me.

Please have your say!

We really value the independently verified feedback and reviews from relatives and care professionals which can be seen on our website. These reviews are fed into relevant websites such as NHS Choices which help families make important decisions on the care of their loved ones. It’s very easy to leave a review or a comment on the Disc Directory service that we use so I urge you to have a go!

Enquire about Woodchurch House
Woodchurch House, Brook Street, Woodchurch, Ashford, Kent TN26 3SN
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